
Games Represent the Human Spirit

   Games Represent the Human Spirit    If you'd rather watch this than read it, check out this link:      For all of my life, skill-building has been a pivotal source of my fulfillment in life. The only reliable source of this I had was video games. All of the other real-life methods of improving myself as I grew up were either deemed too dangerous or I didn’t have the knowledge, nor desire to learn said knowledge, to improve at the things that I did have within my control. So the result? I ended up playing over 13318 hours, or 510 days, on steam - even more, if we count things outside of steam . Games are a representation of life, that’s why we like them, and I continue that thought by saying games can provide the lesson of struggle and growth. It’s like miniature representations of the human spirit.  Before I continue, I want to preface that I encourage people to get away from games to focus on real-life IF POSSIBLE (I felt that within my strict hou

Hypnopaedia Is Real

Hypnopaedia Is Real     If you'd rather watch this article, click this link: Otherwise enjoy the article!      Last year I read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World for leisure. A significant concept in the book is Hypnopaedia in which people learn moral education while sleeping. This is done throughout the entirety of the person's growth with each phase of their life introducing new types of moral education. There's a lot more detail to this, but it's irrelevant to the point of this article: I think it happens to us daily. It is definitely not in our sleep, but in the environments, we grow up in through stories, social media, and general interaction with other people.      The result is that we pick up on the morals and values of those around us. This is a good thing in any given society as this is the major way people are taught that they want to be strong and helpful to others. But what happens when this indoctrination is contradictory to

Even After 36 Years, Self Improvement Works Fast

Even After 36 Years, Self Improvement Works Fast         I just recently had some drinks with my co-workers for a going away party of me and another co-worker from the company. I had gotten pretty drunk and we started opening up about our past. More specifically, we started talking about the moment's in our lives when we were like "fuck this shit". One particular co-worker is 36 and he had been working in the food industry for about 20 years. He told me all about it: 14-hour days were the routine, everyone was understaffed, and the regular coping to this was excessive drinking every night.      He maintained this for about 20 years at various different restaurants until one day he went to the hospital and discovered he had testicular cancer. Luckily this cancer was gotten rid of after about a week, but this woke up him to the way he had been living his life. He had a non-existent social life, worked all the time, saw his family once a week, and anytime he had off was inte

Porn Ruined My First Time And It'll Ruin Yours Next

 How Porn Affected Me Losing My Virginity     During my mid and late teenage years in high school, I was absolutely addicted to porn. I watched it on a nearly daily basis after a solid 6-hour session of playing video games. My go-to place was Tumblr because I loved being able to quickly scroll through many posts thereby maximizing the number of various women I saw at any given moment. I had no shame about it either. I would openly discuss all the types of porn I watched within my group and, occasionally, with random peers in class. In my head, I thought that it was amazing, the feeling of ejaculating on a near daily basis to 100s of hot women (read as porn stars and hentai) filled the void of whatever real problems I was having. It got to the point where I was memorizing artists of hentai and porn star names and their collaborators - I made a mental bank of the sort of porn I liked.        Miraculously, I was able to get a girlfriend in real life after a few online "relationships&

Life is one big mindset

Last 7 Years of My Life Summarized      For all my teenage life up until I moved out about 1.5 years ago, I had believed that my only skill was in academics. I grew up as a "golden child" since I was the most academically sound, resulting in a life in which the only validation I received from my parents is if I displayed some level of intelligence. This came in came in a few ways, whether it be speaking about politics, using big words, or even to the level of using "inquisitive" body language.      What was the result of all of this? Well, my grades were awesome. I had only received 1 B ever from elementary school to high school and I graduated from college in 3 years because I did early college and took larger course loads while I actually was in college.  However, for my true aspirations and dreams, I never pursued those - I didn't think I needed to. Besides, my parents didn't enjoy the idea that their son wanted to partake in entrepreneurship, lift, or le